Technology Portals
This page includes the parent/guardian portal links for Accelerated Reader, Infinite Campus, Remind, Schoology, and rSchoolToday. The Deuel School District uses and provides parents/guardians with web-based access to many district services and programs using portals or links to the district website. These portal accounts allow you to access information and services for your students.
Students will use the links located under the "students" navigation bar on the website.
Accelerated Reader (AR) Home Connect
A reading program for first through fifth grade students that:
Manages student reading.
Monitors student comprehension.
Motivates students to read.
Increases the volume, quality, and enjoyment of reading.
Infinite Campus - Student Information System (SIS)
Infinite Campus is our school-wide student information system designed to manage attendance, grades, schedules, assessments, and other information about our students. Parents/guardians have access to Campus Parent Portal, which is a confidential and secure website that allows parents/guardians to log in and view their Childs’s progress in school. There is also an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
The Food Service option allows parents/guardians the ability to add funds to their child(ren)’s food service account in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. The ‘Payments’ tab and tool provides portal users with the ability to pay food service money online using a major credit card, checking, or savings account. This tool eliminates the need to send cash or checks with a student to school and provides parents a simple way to stay on top of school fees and services. You may also make your payments recurring.
How to set up recurring payments.
Remind is a safe, classroom-friendly communication website and app where teachers can send messages to individuals or groups without disclosure of anyone's personal contact information. Teachers can share text, audio, or video messages as well as links, files, and images. Remind users can receive messages either through SMS or email. (used mainly in the primary grades)
Schoology is an Learning Management System (LMS)
A learning management system (LMS) is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement and assess a specific learning process. Typically, a learning management system provides an instructor with a way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation and assess student performance. A learning management system may also provide students with the ability to use interactive features such as threaded discussions, video conferencing and discussion forums.
How to register to Schoology
rSchoolToday Athletic & Activity Calendar
The school uses rSchoolToday as the athletic and activity calendar for the school district. This calendar is maintained by the Athletic Director and will have the most current times and locations for the events. rSchoolToday has a free mobile app and you can also sign up for free notifications customized to what activities you wish to be notified about.
How to sign up for Notify Me or the mobile app.