Combined District & Athletic/Activity Calendar
Information explaining about our school calendars can be found in more detail below this main calendar.
Calendars Explained
Deuel District Calendar: You no longer need to switch back and forth between the District Calendar and Athletic/Activity Calendar to view all the school events. This combined calendar is shown above on this page.
Need to find this calendar quickly, just use the quick link "School Calendar" on the top of the school website home page. Use the drop down menu from that quick link to access the District Only Calendar, the Athletic/Activity Only Calendar, or the Academic Year At-A-Glance Calendar.
Deuel District Calendar Only: This calendar is the best place to find out when school board meetings are held, prom, graduation and other miscellaneous school events.
Academic Calendar: For a quick look at when school is in session, use the Academic Calendar. This calendar shows the school year at a glance- when teachers are available on Fridays for extra help, semesters begin and end, and when school will be held on Fridays.
Athletic & Activity Calendar Only:
For all things athletic and activity related. This is the go-to calendar. The Athletic Director maintains this calendar, and any changes made to this calendar are updated immediately. Did you know that you could set up notifications, "Notify Me" and even download the app, "rSchoolToday Mobile App" for this calendar? Information on those two feature are listed below.
Notify Me:
Start by selecting the Activity & Athletic Calendar from the drop-down menu on the home page of the school website. On the right side of the webpage, select the “Notify Me” option. You will be asked to create an account. As part of signing up, you will be asked what activities you would like to be notified about, and you can even select to receive reminders for those activities. Now, when there has been a change in the schedule, you will receive notifications about those events.
rSchoolToday Mobile App:
Find the app for rSchoolToday in your app store. You can also search under Activity Scheduler. The icon will be the blue ball cap with the letters rST. Select Install. You will need to go through a couple of set-up steps. Select South Dakota. Scroll down until you find the Northeast Conference. Then select Deuel.